DocumentationReferenceCreating the read modelWriting where clauses

Writing where clauses

To update or remove all items that match a given criteria, you may have to write more complex queries than simple comparisons for equality. For that, use query operators.

Using query operators

The following query operators are available that match simple types:

Operator Description
$greaterThan Matches fields greater than the given value.
$greaterThanOrEqualTo Matches fields greater than or equal to the given value.
$lessThan Matches fields less than the given value.
$lessThanOrEqualTo Matches fields less than or equal to the given value.
$notEqualTo Matches fields not equal to the given value.

E.g., to remove all invoices that have an amount less than 1000, use the following code:

  where: { amount: { $lessThan: 1000 }}

The following query operators are available that match arrays:

Operator Description
$contains Matches arrays that contain the given value.
$doesNotContain Matches arrays that do not contain the given value.

E.g., to remove all invoices that are tagged with the private tag, use the following code:

  where: { tags: { $contains: 'private' }}

Using logical operators

To combine multiple where clauses, use logical operators. The following logical operators are available:

Operator Description
$and Matches items that match all conditions.
$or Matches items that match at least one condition.

E.g., to remove all invoices that have an amount less than 1000 or are tagged with the private tag, use the following code:

  where: {
    $or: [
      { amount: { $lessThan: 1000 }},
      { tags: { $contains: 'private' }}