Installing on macOS
To run wolkenkit on macOS you need to setup a few things.
Setting up Docker
To run wolkenkit you need Docker 17.09 or higher. To setup Docker on macOS, download and install Docker for Mac.
Setting up Node.js
To run wolkenkit you need Node.js 8.9.1 or higher. We recommend installing Node.js using nvm, which enables switching between different Node.js versions.
First, install nvm using this command:
$ curl -o- | bash
Then, restart your terminal and install Node.js using the following commands:
$ nvm install 8.9.1
$ nvm alias default 8.9.1
$ nvm use 8.9.1
Setting up wolkenkit
To download and install wolkenkit, run the following command:
$ npm install -g wolkenkit@1.2.0
Verifying the installation
Verify that wolkenkit is installed correctly by running the following command:
$ wolkenkit --version
Yay, congratulations!
You have successfully installed wolkenkit!
To learn how to build and run your first application, have a look at creating your first application 😊!