DocumentationReferenceBuilding a clientConnecting to an application

Connecting to an application

To connect to an application, you need to use the wolkenkit SDK. As it is a universal module, it works in the browser as well as in Node.js.

The wolkenkit SDK has been tested against Chrome 62+, Firefox 57+, Safari 10.1+, Opera 44.0+, Microsoft Edge 14+, Internet Explorer 11, and Node.js 8.9.1+. Other platforms may work as well, they have just not been tested.

Polyfill old browsers

Please note that for Internet Explorer 11, you need to add the polyfill by the core-js project to make things work:


Installing the SDK

Depending on how you build your client application there are different ways how to install the wolkenkit SDK.

Using the script file

If your client application uses classic <script> tags, download the wolkenkit-client.browser.min.js file and copy it into the directory of your client application. Then, add a reference to it inside of the client application's index.html file:


This provides a global wolkenkit variable that allows you to access the SDK.

Using the npm module

If you are using a module bundler such as webpack, or you are building a client application using Node.js, install the wolkenkit SDK into your client application using npm:

$ npm install wolkenkit-client@1.2.0

Then you can require the wolkenkit-client module:

const wolkenkit = require('wolkenkit-client');

Connecting to an application

To connect to a wolkenkit application call the wolkenkit.connect function and provide the hostname of the server you want to connect to. As a result the function returns a promise:

wolkenkit.connect({ host: 'local.wolkenkit.io' }).
  then(app => /* ... */).
  catch(err => /* ... */);

Setting the port

By default, the port 443 is being used. To change this, provide the port property as well:

wolkenkit.connect({ host: 'local.wolkenkit.io', port: 3000 }).
  then(app => /* ... */).
  catch(err => /* ... */);

Setting the protocol

There are two protocols that the wolkenkit SDK can use to connect to the wolkenkit application:

  • wss (default in the browser)
  • https (default on Node.js)
wolkenkit.connect({ host: 'local.wolkenkit.io', protocol: 'wss' }).
  then(app => /* ... */).
  catch(err => /* ... */);

Browsers are not yet ready for streaming

While the wss protocol makes use of web sockets, the https protocol uses streaming HTTP. Unfortunately, not all current browsers support streaming HTTP in a reasonable fashion. Hence, you may safely use wss on Node.js, but consider https to be experimental in the browser.